

Episode 10 – Retreats

Meditation retreats are generally a good thing for most people, but aren’t without their dangers. They can be really hard to get through – but can give you great results! We talk about the risks, the potential benefits, the general…

Episode 09 – Reunion

It’s been a while! Excited to kick things off again as we (hopefully) start to see the beginning-of-the-end of the COVID pandemic. What a strange and interesting time to be alive. We speak about covid goblins, our practice, journaling, the…

Hello World! 👋

Hello friends! Welcome to the family. Bill and I aim to write to you every so often like how a relative might reach out to stay in touch. Some periods more than others. We hope you might write back too…

Episode 2 – Catch up

We catch up on life in lockdown, Jasmine’s ongoing home retreat and practice in general. This is an experimental format – it’s a pretty loose conversation with minimal editing. Does it work? Let us know! We also announce our upcoming…