Awake In Podcast
Chats about mindfulness, wellness, and awakening.

Awake In Podcast
Chats about mindfulness, wellness, and awakening.
Featured episodes 🌱
Episode 8 – Lorin Roche. Meditation can *actually* be easy
Really special episode this, with one of our favorite meditation teachers. Lorin is something of a ‘meditator whisperer’ – having spent…
Listen Now ▶️ Episode 8 – Lorin Roche. Meditation can *actually* be easy
Episode 5 – “Going off script” with Liam Chai
Really enjoyed this conversation with ‘Awake In’ friend and marathon meditator Liam Chai. Be warned: The conversation is wide ranging and includes all kinds…
Episode 3 – Daniel Ingram Interview
An amazing interview with Daniel – really enjoyed this one! We were particularly blown away by his insights into the Goenka vipassana tradition, and…
🔥 Episode 1.0 — Steve James AKA Guru Viking 🤘
We cover all sorts but here are some highlights:
Learnings from the amazing guests he’s interviewed. Steve’s meditation practice explained 3 ways –
To a child, To an adult, To an experienced meditator.
🌈 Hosts

Jasmine Che
Jasmine is the youngest Search Inside Yourself™ mindfulness teacher, a heart-based multi-business venturer, plant mum to ~150 babies and is working back to 3 hours of meditation a day. When she ever finds any spare time, she practices Dharma yoga and acrobatics.

Bill Tribble
Bill is a designer, musician, and technologist. He got started in mindfulness via silent retreats in the Goenka tradition. While he’s put in thousands of hours of meditation, he’s probably spent way more time playing computer games and wishes he hadn’t. Find him on Mastodon or check him out on: